Understanding Abuse

Over the last few years I have worked with Pick Up Artists interested only in one night relationships, out and out Narcissists who do incredible damage to their victims often over a number of years, and Players who are somewhere between those two and only capable of short term or unhealthy relationships – just because it lasts for a while does not mean it is healthy. I have worked with both the perpetrators and their victims, men and women on both sides, and there are considerably more victims as most of the perpetrators, especially the narcissists, cannot see what they are doing let alone want to make changes.

There are of course common themes with all the abusers, they are invariably emotionally detached and unavailable, they are only ever interested in their own gratification, they will use your insecurities against you and tear down your Defenses, they do not see any harm in what they do and may well take great satisfaction from it, and invariably they will harm the Targets/Victims/Projects that they prey upon.

The more emotionally connected you become to them, the more they will hurt you. The longer the relationship the more scope there is for harm. The more insidious they are, the harder it is to get away from them. The worst ones will burrow their way into your family and friends network and slowly isolate you from them, then turn your previous supporters against you. The clever ones, and Players often are, may well keep in close contact with a number of EXs and potential new targets to Supply their need for attention and admiration while they are between Projects. And most importantly of all, most of the time you do not see it coming at all.

I’m no expert in these matters, only in finding my own painful way out of years of abuse. But I know that it is important to be aware of the tactics that they use. The difficulty being that some of the things they do are very effective in getting dates and starting relationships and that many decent people do those things anyway – hence why it is often difficult to differentiate abusers / users from the ‘keepers’, at least early on, and by the time there is a noticeable difference you are often ensnared.

But even being aware of the abusers behaviours is not enough. I’ve known lifelong victims of emotional detachment from childhood and subsequently subjected to various forms of abuse, who at one point found themselves in ‘healing relationships’ and then ended up mirroring back all those abusive behaviours to their partners. As with many forms of abuse, the victims became the abusers.

Please don’t ever think that you are fully recovered from years of abuse. It requires not only healing of the emotional pain, but also an ongoing awareness and vigilance not only in your partner’s behaviour, but particularly your own as you may end up enabling abusive behaviours or even hurting those who love and support you.

In this age of easy information, you will find a vast array of resources online by way of websites, YouTube channels, and Facebook groups & pages as well as the more traditional route of personal therapy (which I highly encourage). As a starting point I have put together an array or memes found on Facebook and put them into a Facebook album “Abusers” for you to flick through to get a sense of what happens:


By all means also go direct to the source pages for more memes as I’ve only included those that have simply popped up in front of me. While these memes often show the more extreme examples of abusive behaviours, I have seen and experienced them in a minor form many times and sometimes a whole host of them from a single person. If you start to notice a lot of them even in a mild form from either your partner or in yourself (or your partner brings these things up), you may want to be more alert.

I would also suggest that you look up Trauma Bonding as that is a common tactic which may start off as no more than ‘being unavailable’ or simply ‘playing hard to get’.

Personally I would be more concerned if I couldn’t see any of those warning behaviours in either my partner or myself than if I saw a couple. Seeing none of these things might suggest that you are kidding yourself – and there are none so blind as those that don’t want to see.

Be Safe, and here’s to Healing Ourselves.

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How Goldilocks, and my dad, helped a lady with OCD

I was recently having a chat and laughing with my dad about how when I was very young I loved the story of Goldilocks. I would insist on hearing it every night for about 2 years and woe betide him if he changed a single word. I thanked him for his time and patience and in giving me an insight to helping a client a couple of years earlier. He asked me to explain…

… I had a lady come to me who said that she was destroying her family with her OCD, or Compulsively Disordered Obsessions as she put it, because the letters had to be in the right order…

She told me accounts of how she’d asked her husband to make some (instant) gravy, but she ended up throwing it away because it was too runny; of the time she’d asked her daughter to arrange some flowers, but had to do it again herself because some of them were the wrong height; of the time she’d asked her son to neatly pile up the magazines in the living room… and so on.

After two or three of these stories, I would say to her “Don’t worry about it Goldilocks, carry on.”

After a while she became annoyed, “Why do you keep calling me Goldilocks? She has long blonde hair, mine is short and ginger, but no way golden!”

So then, with a couple of minor modifications to the old classic, I began, “Once upon a time, there was a young girl named Goldilocks…”

When I’d finished, I just sat and watched her. I could see that she was thinking deeply, you could almost hear the cogs whirring in her head as she tried to bring to conscious understanding something that clearly resonated at a deeper level. A few minutes later her puzzled look and shaking of her head told me that she wanted a little guidance.

“So when mummy bear was making a fresh batch of porridge for baby bear, what do you think daddy bear was doing?”

“Most probably eating his porridge.” She replied.

“What, the porridge that was too salty and lumpy for Goldilocks?”

“Well that would be the way he likes it…” she paused “Ahhh I get it, you called me Goldilocks because I like things just my own way, no other way is good enough for me.” I smiled. “I think from now own I should be called mummy bear.” She continued. I deliberately gave her a puzzled look to draw out further explanation. “Because she realises that everyone has their own preference and there isn’t just one right way.”

My dad laughed and said, “So even at the age of three you were learning that different people like things different ways, but just remember one thing, I’m still your dad.”

“That’s quite alright Goldilocks.” I responded.

We both roared with laughter and hugged each other.

Please note, certain details of this story have been changed to disguise identities.

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Stop the world – I want to get off

Stop the world, I want to get off!

I’ve been contemplating my own inner turmoil recently.  I don’t like the way western society has become.  There is the pervading idea that you work long and hard to earn money to buy ‘stuff’ that you don’t really need, and then don’t have the time to enjoy.  Of course I recognise that many people work long & hard just to make ends meet and that some of them are happier than might be expected from their circumstances.

Some people work 50 – 60 – or more hours each week, with heavens only knows how much time they spend commuting to and from work, to sustain a lifestyle they can’t enjoy and which is killing them.  It is nothing short of crazy.

So I want to get off the relentless merry-go-round, and yet I enjoy the trappings that the fruits of my work bring.  I admit it, I like the ‘toys’ that I can buy, but I’m not addicted to them in the same way as others.  I can get an upgrade on my mobile ‘phone but its unlikely to be the latest iPhone (they’re wonderful bits of technology, but I realise that I don’t need such a sophisticated toy, however I do have a nice collection of DIY tools as I really enjoy working on my home with my own hands).  I feel that the ‘system’ stinks, yet I benefit from it so much too.  Perhaps it would be easier for me if I was devoted the work/money/buy cycle that is all around, or if I was brave enough to just give it all up and live in a very simple life?

A Rabbi reminded me recently that Jacob struggled with an Angel all night and afterwards he was renamed Y’Israel, which means “He who struggles with God.”  Well I have struggled with the god of Mammon, and found it severely lacking, and yet somewhat useful.

As spiritual as we might want to be, the society we live in is very much stuck in its own system.  Rather than fight against it, perhaps it is better to do what it is we need to do, or are good at, but do these things with the highest integrity that we can manage.

So for now, I’ve decided to keep on the treadmill, regularly stepping off to charge my spiritual batteries, amass my treasures in Heaven, being cautious as to the trinkets and baubles I spend my money on, and taking care to avoid amassing a pile of junk.

Posted in anxiety, changes, Gratitude, Help, Love, money, patterns, Relationships, repetative, society, stress, turmoil, work | Tagged , , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

How do we get stuck in unhelpful patterns?

I was working with a client the a little while back who was stuck in a familiar but unhelpful repetitive pattern.  Rather than directly working with his issues, which he seemed unaware of, I told him the following story of something I’d witnessed:

When I was working on a building site years ago, a new labourer was hired.  At lunchtime we had a habit of all sitting down in a circle at lunchtime to chat about football, beer, TV, and yeah OK women.

I noticed the new guy open his sandwiches, look at them in disgust, and throw them away.

I asked what’s up?

“Cheese and pickle!” he said “I hate cheese and pickle.”

We all smiled to ourselves and one person was generous enough to share some of his sandwiches.

On the second day the same thing happens, and on the third, and fourth day too.

Finally, on the fifth day, long after is has ceased to be a source of amusement to everyone, one of the other guys said:

“Look, why don’t you have a word with your wife and tell her that you don’t like cheese and pickle sandwiches and could she make you something else?”

The new guy looked horrified and said:

“Wife?  What wife?  I’m single, I make my own sandwiches.”

I left the story hanging in the air for a few moments, and then saw the look of self realisation in my clients’ eye.

The rest of the session was spent on working out some far more helpful strategies and the client also said he understood why his friends had been nagging him to do certain things, but couldn’t understand why.  While he couldn’t make all the desired changes right away, within a moth he was reporting significant changes in his life.

Posted in anxiety, changes, Gratitude, Help, patterns, Relationships, repetative, stress | Leave a comment

The power of even the most superficial human connection.

A few days ago I had the pleasure of facilitating a small discussion group. There were no set topics, but each person there brought their own version of spirituality to the mix. We discussed various topics but mainly self identity (in the psychological sense), how this changes with changing life circumstances, and the reasons and methods of the connections we make with others.

We all had different ways of connecting with others and different reasons for doing so. One person wanted to build deep, meaningful, & mutually supportive relationships, while another person just liked to connect on a very superficial level with people who floated into his life in passing – greeting strangers in the street and saying hello with checkout operators.

This week I’ve been making those casual connections with a number of waitresses and checkout operators. The lady who served me in the DIY store had just had an encounter with a grumpy customer and was clearly upset by the episode, so I smiled at her, engaged in light hearted banter (avoiding reference to the previous customer), and thanked her for her service. I even made a joke about the multi-buy discount I received. I doubt that it made any difference to the time it took to process my order, but the end result was 2 people who were in a happier mood than either had been moments earlier.

This wasn’t a ‘one off’ event either. The responses I’ve been getting are quite dramatic – they suggest to me that even this level of human connection is greatly appreciated, often leads to a better mood by all, and usually leads to better service wherever I go. So if you are being served by someone say hello to them, if you are serving someone do it with a smile and a happy manner – then observe the differences to what usually happens, or what you see happening elsewhere. You may come to like the effect it has.

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Shamballa Courses

The Life Improvement Centre is pleased to be able to host 2 Shaballa Multi Dimensional Healing courses in October 2011.

We are hosting a 4 day Master Healer playshop on 13-16 October 2011 and a 3 day Basic Teacher playshop on 18-20 October 2011.

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Managing Stress

So how do you manage stress? Ok, so we have stress of some kind quite a bit of the time, and some of it is helpful. For me, deadlines help focus my concentration, and sometimes without them, things would not get done.

But what about the unusual bits of stress that sometimes happen, either unexpectedly or possibly with forewarning – things like a member of the family being very ill and needing a lot of looking after, exam time, or work inspections. They happen to most of us from time to time.

Recently, I and some of my friends have faced these challenges and we all deal with them in different ways, but one thing remained similar – we accepted that we were facing these things, we didn’t resist them, and we got on with it. I know for me I was much better than I was when similar thing happened in past years, but I was still strung out. I don’t normally drink coffee these days, but today I had to have one to calm me down!

So why do I mention this? Years ago I would have done my best to avoid the stress by denying it, by ignoring it (and have the issue jump up in my face), by resisting it, by doing other things instead of facing what was happening and so on. Over the years I have learned to accept the process, face it, and deal with it, things are better for me (and also for my friends). Sometimes we get locked into patterns of behaviour that we might think help us such as avoiding the situation, but the reality is that this resistance is what causes the biggest problems. For me, by admitting what was going on, I gave myself permission to ask for help from others, and in asking I found it.

Understanding that it is OK to be stressed or anxious at times can for some people be difficult to appreciate. But in facing the situation, its ability to cause stress diminishes. A bit like getting into a very hot bath (but not scalding hot) is uncomfortable at first, but after a while is OK. So honour yourself, face the fact that things we don’t like happen, deal with it, and enjoy the rest of your life.

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The Attitude of Gratitude

So following on from my last blog, where I ended up grateful for my daughter waking me at 2am, I remembered another time when being grateful at something less than ideal really changed things around for me.

In April 2008 I was in Japan on a 10 day tour with Dan Millman and one morning I woke early and went for a walk around the lake where we were staying.  It was a damp drizzly grey morning and the birds were chirping annoyingly.  I’d just come off the phone to a young lady I had just started seeing and understandably I was missing her.  I wasn’t feeling good.

So instead of staying glum, I remembered how being grateful for what is – is an incredibly powerful switch to change your attitude.  So I sent up a little prayer, Dear God, thank you for the Blessing of your rain, and for speaking to me through the song of your birds.

Well it kept on drizzling, and the birds continued to chirp noisily – but I didn’t mind one little bit.  So much so that I lowered my umbrella allowed myself to get a bit wet.  Soon the drizzle stopped and I walked smiling back to the Hotel.

Just being grateful for what you have and recognising the everyday blessings we all have is, I believe one of the most potent therapies ever devised.

be well, be blessed


Lake Kawaguchiko that very morning

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It’s 2am and the phone rings

It’s nearly 2am and I’m sleeping soundly.

The ringtone on my phone announces my daughter.

She’s away at University, 4 hours drive away,

This time last year she was seriously ill.

I worry.


Through my sleepy confusion I hear her distress

But miss some important opening words

Her friend has missed a train/bus connection

No more busses or trains until 6am.

It’s freezing outside and nowhere to shelter


I sort myself out and get dressed

He’s about half an hour away

Driving down the road

I call my daughter

So who am I actually picking up?


It’s 3:20 am, daughter’s boyfriend is safe in his home

I climb back into bed, grateful

Grateful that my daughter feels she can call me

Grateful that I love her enough to care and help

Grateful that I didn’t worry about who I was helping

Grateful for my car and tank of fuel…


… and grateful to be back in bed.

It’s nearly 2am and I’m sleeping soundly.

The ringtone on my phone announces my daughter.

She’s away at University, 4 hours drive away,

This time last year she was seriously ill.

I worry.


Through my sleepy confusion I hear her distress

But miss some important opening words

Her friend has missed a train/bus connection

No more busses or trains until 6am.

It’s freezing outside and nowhere to shelter


I sort myself out and get dressed

He’s about half an hour away

Driving down the road

I call my daughter

So who am I actually picking up?


It’s 3:20 am, daughter’s boyfriend is safe in his home

I climb back into bed, grateful

Grateful that my daughter feels she can call me

Grateful that I love her enough to care and help

Grateful that I didn’t worry about who I was helping

Grateful for my car and tank of fuel…


… and grateful to be back in bed.

Posted in Daughter, Gratitude, Help, Love, Relationships | Tagged , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

Hello world!

Welcome to the new site for The Life Improvement Centre.

As yet I’ve no idea what specifically I will be posting on here, but time will no doubt reveal what words of wisdom I will find to share with you.

I have found over the years that I have a number of very good friends who have helped me along my journey in life and I want to publicly thank them here.  For years I was keen to help others, but yet felt that everything that I had to do, I had to do alone.  It is only in very recent times that I have found my friends ready willing and able to help me, all I had to do was just ask them.

All along help was at hand, and all I had to do was ask but I was reluctant to do.  Funny enough, I was never backward in asking for divine help, which always materialised.  But now I ask people I know for help, and they give it – and of course I respond in kind.

I learnt this through an amazing lesson from a great teacher I met in Hawaii in 2009.  If a student was distressed, he would say that perhaps he could help them and if they wanted that help all they had to do was ask – and then he walked away.  Making his ability and willingness to help known and clear, but not imposed. He would not come rushing in to the rescue, but help when asked, respecting each person’s right to not ask for help if that was their wish.

So from this I have learned to ask for help when I need it, and to respect other people’s right to decline help should I offer it.

Thank you my friends and teachers.

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